Thank you Mr. Bailey for coming out to speak to us. I learned a few new things you pointed out in your speaking. The biggest thing I'm going to take from the whole talk is putting a deadline on things. I understand that putting a deadline on things will help you get stuff done quicker.
-EE Smith High Student
We fail our youth when we don't present them with opportunities to succeed. Society puts so much stress on College that sometimes, we don't stop and ask young people about their dreams, goals and ideas.
I want to challenge that theory. I want to teach young people in Middle School, High School, and in College how to view themselves differently. I want to press them to consider the things that make them happy in life. I want to help them discover how to turn their ideas in to businesses, companies, and/or organizations that give them the opportunity to live well but to serve others as well.
Our youth deserve that.
Some of my appearances include: